Step 4 : Additional Requirements
• Supplier Application •
Based on your determined application type please provide the below additional information
List of all crop protection products registered under Act No. 36 of 1947 with registration numbers
List of all 3rd party crop protection products registered under Act No. 36 of 1947 that your company supplies in South Africa
Letters of support for the application from two current paid-up members of CropLife SA merged into 1 PDF document
Step 5 : Supplier Declaration
Please complete one of the two options below:
-include sales to Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, but
-exlcude other exports, instruments/implements and toll-formulation
hereby declare that our audited gross sales of crop protection products for the calendar year 2024 were:
hereby declare that our figures have not yet been audited (we undertake to provide CropLife South Africa with a letter from our auditors confirming there is no material deviation from this estimate before 30 July 2025), but we estimate the sales of crop protection products for the calendar year 2024 were:
By clicking the 'Accept' PRO participation box below, I confirm that:
- our company has elected to join the CropLife SA 'Producer Responsible Organisation' programme for empty pesticide container management as per the Extended Producer Responsibility regulation for our industry.
- I understand and accept that said participation attracts a levy of 0.075% of the below-mentioned turnover for 2024 in South Africa ONLY in order to fund the PRO.
- I accept that the PRO levy amount will be included on the membership fee invoice issued by CropLife SA.
- Until such time as the PRO levy has been paid, my company will not be allowed to participate in the CropLife SA PRO.
The turnover declaration for membership fees and the Pro levy are different. Therefore, for the PRO levy calculation, please enter your turnover in 2024 for:
-That EXCLUDES sales outside of the borders of RSA
-ONLY INCLUDES sales of products with an L-number registration
By clicking the 'No thanks' PRO participation box below, I confirm that:
- The company I represent acknowledges that it will not be able to participate in the CropLife SA PRO programme in any form whatsoever.
• Distributor Application •
Based on your determined application type please provide the below additional information
List of CropLife members and/or any other companies and/or individuals that you are presently buying from in South Africa
An acceptable liability insurance for retailer/distributor/dealership.
Recommendation letter from at least 2 supply companies merged into 1 PDF document
Step 5 : Distributor Declaration
hereby declare that
The total number of sales agents in our company at date of signature of this declaration is:
The total number of sales agents in our company included in this declaration matches the number of sales agents listed for our company in the CropLife South Africa Continuous Professional Development (CPD) database
Accompanying this declaration, I attach a summary of our sales agents (please include the surname, first name, SA ID Number, email address for verification with the CPD database)
By clicking the 'Accept' PRO participation box below, I confirm that:
- our company has elected to join the CropLife SA 'Producer Responsible Organisation' programme for empty pesticide container management as per the Extended Producer Responsibility regulation for our industry.
- I understand and accept that said participation attracts a levy of 0.075% of the below-mentioned turnover for 2024 in South Africa ONLY in order to fund the PRO.
- I accept that the PRO levy amount will be included on the membership fee invoice issued by CropLife SA.
- Until such time as the PRO levy has been paid, my company will not be allowed to participate in the CropLife SA PRO.
The turnover declaration for membership fees and the Pro levy are different. Therefore, for the PRO levy calculation, please enter your turnover in 2024 for:
-That EXCLUDES sales outside of the borders of RSA
-ONLY INCLUDES sales of products with an L-number registration
By clicking the 'No thanks' PRO participation box below, I confirm that:
- The company I represent acknowledges that it will not be able to participate in the CropLife SA PRO programme in any form whatsoever.
• Associate Application & Declaration •
Based on your determined application type please provide the below additional information
Briefly describe the nature of your business activities
In addition, by clicking the "Accept" box below, I undertake to ensure our company and all our employees and sales agents abide by the
Code of Conduct of CropLife South Africa.
Agri-Intel Consent Form:
According to the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”; Act 4 of 2013), Agri-Intel requires consent to publish information regarding product registrations.
By checking this box, you acknowledge that, should your company hold local registrations under Act No. 36 of 1947 containing an L or M registration number:
- You are aware that submitting ALL details of your local registrations to Agri-Intel is a condition of CropLife South Africa membership;
- Basic information pertaining to all your registrations, as per your registration certificate (i.e. tradename, registration number, active ingredient, registration holder name) will be made public as per Section 39 of the “Regulations relating to agricultural remedy” of August 2023;
- Further, by submitting all your details as stipulated in number 1 above, you are providing consent to having your commercial label, SDS and product information published on the Agri-Intel website. Where information (other than that stipulated under point 2) may not be published on the website, this should be clearly communicated to the Agri-Intel team. In the absence of a clear objection to uploading the information onto the website, your consent is tacitly accepted.
Please confirm your name and surname filling in the declaration form...
By clicking the 'Finish' button below, you confirm that all the above details are correct and accurate.